Department of Information & Communication Technology Faculty of Technology University of Ruhuna
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Department of Information & Communication Technology


Industry awareness Program 3

Virtusa(pvt)ltd conducted two workshops about CV Writing skills and Interview Facing skills on 17th March 2021 and 24th March 2021 respectively. Students were able to get a clear understanding on how to get ready for their upcoming industrial training through the workshops.

Industry awareness Program 2

Two sessions were conducted about Computer vision and Image Processing on March 31st and April 6th . The workshop was conducted by Ms.Chamari silva (Lecturer),SLIIT.

Industry awareness Program 1

The ICT department arranged an industry awareness program for Level three students. The workshop's goal was to provide participants with a grasp of emerging technology as well as the environment of a company.

Industrial Collaborations - Department of ICT

In producing an internationally accredited Technologist in the field of Information and Communication Technology, the Department of ICT has recently formed an Industrial Consultative Committee (ICC) in order to provide students with the necessary technical and professional skills to face the challenges and adapt better for the rapidly changing phases of the highly competitive job market in today's world.

Practical Sessions of ICT

ICT students are in Laboratory sessions at Faculty of Technology