Prof. P.K.S.C Jayasinghe

Department of Information & Communication Technology
Senior Lecturer



Professional Experience

Senior Lecturer (SLIIT) July/2011 to Oct/2016
Academic Head SLIIT Aug/2013 to Oct/2016
Manager Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology July/2013 to Aug/2015
coordinator Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (Oct/2012 to Aug/2015
Teaching Assistant Ibaraki University Oct/2006 to Mar/2008
Research Assistant Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Apr/2008 to Mar/2011
IT instructor Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology Jul/2001 to Jun/2004
Demonstrator University of Ruhuna Jun/2000 to Jun/2001
Event coordinator Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology 2013
Event coordinator Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology 2014
Research Grants
SLIIT research grant 2016 (FGSR/RG/2016/04)

Oral Presentations/ Conference Proceedings

Jayasinghe P.K.S.C and Yoshida Masao: Raster-based tool to assess soil erosion vulnerability using GIS and Remote Sensing in Sri Lanka. Asia Federation of IT in Agriculture (AFITA)/ World Congress of Computer in Agriculture (WCCA). IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India 24-26 Oct, 2018.
Jayasinghe P.K.S.C: An Operational Framework for Adaptive Inventory Control System. 07th International Conference on Management and Economics, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, Sept. 2018.
Liyanage C. R and Jayasinghe P. K. S. C: Acquiring Original Data from Shredded Documents using Neural Network. 15th Academic Session, University of Ruhuha, March, 2018.
Jayasinghe P.K.S.C: Standard Operating Procedure for Complaint Management System: CEB in Sri Lanka. 6th International Conference on Management and Economics, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, November, 2017.
Jayasinghe P.K.S.C. and Chathurika K.A.B.A: Mobile-based Detection and Classification System for Plant Leaf Diseases using Image Processing Technique. World Congress on Computers in Agriculture and Asia Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (WCCA/AFITA) Conference, Suncheon, South Korea, June, 2016.
Chathurika K.B.A.B. and Jayasinghe P.K.S.C: A Revised Averaging Algorithm for an Effective Feature Extraction in Component-based Image Retrieval System. 2015 IEEE International Advance Computing Conference, B.M.S. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India, June, 2015.
Jayasinghe P.K.S.C. and Yoshida Masao: Spatial data mining techniques to evaluate forest extent changes using GIS and Remote Sensing, International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (IEEE conference), BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, August, 2013.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C., M.Yoshida and T. Machida: An Agricultural Field work management system for Rural farmers in Sri Lanka. 7th World Congress on Computer in Agriculture (WCCA), Reno, Nevada, USA, June 2009.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C., M. Yoshida and T. Machida: Development of Artificial Neural Network and Weighted Overlay models to evaluate suitable area for sugarcane using GIS. Meeting for reading research papers in agricultural informatics association. Tokyo University, Japan, May, 2009.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C., M. Yoshida, D.A.L. Leelamanie and T. Machida: Development of Fieldwork Reminder System to help for Field Management. Word Conference on Agricultural Information and IT, Tokyo Agricultural University, Tokyo, Japan, August 2008.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C. and T. Machida: Web-based Spatial Decision Support System for Farmers in Developing Countries. International student conference at Ibaraki University (ISCUI3). Ibaraki University, Ibaraki ken, Japan, October 2007.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C. and T. Machida: Web-GIS Online Crop Consulting System Based on Land Suitability Analysis using Soil Physical-Chemical properties, Climate and Topography Factors. Joint conference on environmental engineering in Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan, September 2007.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C. and T. Machida: Land Suitability Identification for Beetroot using GIS in up country of Sri Lanka. Ecological services Functions for Sustainable Agriculture in Asia. International Symposium, Ibaraki University, Japan, September 2007.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C. and T. Machida: Web-Based GIS Consulting Portal with Crop-Land Suitability. European Federation of IT in Agriculture (EFITA-2007), Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, United Kingdom, July 2007.

Journal Publications

Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C, P.H.P.N. Laksiri, U.H.W.A.Hewage and M.A.N.D.Sewwandi: Classification of Remote Sensing Data using Texture Feature Extraction Algorithms, Journal of Engineering and Science research, 1 (2) : 1 -06, 2017
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C and M.Yoshida: Evaluation of Forest Extent Changes: Multi-temporal Satellite Images, J. Appl Rem Sen, 2(1) :16-26, June, 2011.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C., H.A. Adornado, M.Yoshida and D.A.L.Leelamanie: Web-based GIS remote sensing Spatial Information System (SIS): A case study in Nuwaraeliya, Sri Lanka. J.Agri. Info. Research , 19(4): 106-116, Dece, (2010).
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C and M.Yoshida: Development of two GIS-based modeling Frameworks to identify suitable lands for sugarcane cultivation, J. Tropi. Agri. and Deve., 54(2): 51-61, June, 2010.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C and M.Yoshida: Integrating Spatial Data Mining Technique to identify Potential Areas for Forest Production using GIS and Remote Sensing, J.Agri. Info. Research, 19(2): 23-35, June, 2010.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C and M.Yoshida: GIS-Based Neural Network Modeling to Predict Suitable Areas for Beetroot in Sri Lanka: Towards Sustainable Agriculture, J. Deve. Sustainable Agri., 4(3): 165-172, Feb, 2010.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C., T. Machida and M.Yoshida: Identification of Suitable Lands for Beetroot in up Country of Sri Lanka using GIS-Weighted Overlay Technique with Normalized Weighting Methods, J.Japanese Agri. Sys. Soc., 25(1): 17-26, December, 2009.
Jayasinghe, P.K.S.C and T. Machida: Web-Based GIS Online Consulting System with Crop-Land Suitability Identification, J. Agri. Info. Research, 17(1):13-19, June, 2008.
JASSO scholarship for foreign student to pursue Master degree program at Ibaraki University, Japan, 2007.
JASSO scholarship for foreign student to pursue Doctoral research at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), Japan (2008 to 2011).
Visiting Scholar, University of California Davis, CA, USA (Jan/2010 to Mar/20
Member of Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics (Jsai).
Member of Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL).
GIS and Remote sensing
Data Mining and Warehousing
Web-based GIS applications
IT in Agriculture
Image Processing