An optimized solution for mobile robot navigation for dynamic office environments using active simultaneous localization and mapping | International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering-SCSE 2018 | Dodamgoda D.A.R.P., Liyanage K.I.P., Rajarathna R.D.P.L., Shakya R.D.N[ ] |
A Hybrid Semantic Analysis Approach Using Rule Based and Learning Techniques for Human Robot Interaction in a Robotic Assistant | 18th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions - 2018 | K.I.P. Liyanage, Dr. G.U. Ganegoda, Dr. S.Sumathipala , G.T. Weerasuriya, D.A.R.P. Dodamgoda, R.D.P.L. Rajarathna, R.D.N. Shakya [ ] |
Signing dataset for the Sinhala Sign Language | International Research Conference of SLTC 2020 | K. L. P. Prasad Liyanaarachchi, Dinithi Shakya, Thilina Herath, Nuwan Vithanage, L.S.K. Udugama [ ] |
IOT Based Smart Shopping System | IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability 2021(IEEE ICIAfS 2021) | Vidumith Perera, Lakdinu Ekanayake, Ama Bandara, Dinithi Shakya, Udesh S. Oruthota [ ] |
Load Scheduling for Smart Energy Management for Domestic Energy Consumers in Sri Lanka | IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation for Sustainability 2021(IEEE ICIAfS 2021) | Sadeesha Sardima, Dulshan Jayaweera, Shukry mohammad, Dinithi Shakya, Prabodhi Mithila, Hassaan Hydher, Dr. Udesh Oruthota [ ] |
An Approach Towards Detecting Circular Fidgety Movements Using Machine Learning | 2nd International Conference of Emerging Technology (INCET 2021) - I. W. Manawadu, S. Gunawardena, N. Madusanka, D. Rathnaikage [ ] |
Effect of the Video Frame Rate on the Precision of Detecting Circular Fidgety Movements Using Machine Learning | Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON 2021) | I. W. Manawadu, S. Gunawardena, N. Vithanage, D. Rathnaikage, L. Yasakethu[ ] |
Identify of rubber leaf diseases using convolutional neural Network | Proceedings of 10th Ruhuna International Science |
Deep-Learning Based Plant Nutrition Deficiency Identification in Hydroponic Garden | 20th Academic Sessions - 2023 | Shakya R.D.N., Pathirana K.P.C.T.[ ] |
Comparative analysis of CNN models to diagnose Pneumonia | 20th Academic Sessions - 2023 | Shakya R.D.N., Abeysekara R., Madhubhashani R.P. [ ] |
Cutting-Edge AI-Powered Real-time Surveillance System for Proactive Threat Detection and Response in Robbery Situations in Sri Lanka | Ruhuna International Conference on Innovation and Technology - 2023 | R. M. A. A. D. M. Gunarathne, R. D. N. Shakya[ ] |
The role of standardization in DevSecOps practices in improving the security posture of software development in Sri Lanka | Ruhuna International Conference on Innovation and Technology - 2023 | D. N. S. Dharmarathne, R. D. N. Shakya, R. Kulatunge, J. Abeysekara [ ] |